
“I used to hear about Aspire at university, especially that it was a great company to grow and develop your career. Right after I graduated from university, a friend of mine that was working here recommended me to apply and I did. I have been here for 4 years and 5 months now.”

Meet Diana Batmani (and no, she is not related to BatMan if you asked yourself that question), Quality Analyst, part-time elf (yes, you read it correctly, keep reading to find out why) and amateur photographer.

Why did you choose IT?

I’ve always wanted to study IT, it was a dream of mine since 9th grade. I studied Business Information Systems (BIS). I was going to study Computer Science but decided to choose ‘BIS’ because it is a combination of IT and business. 

What are you particularly passionate about within your industry?

I am passionate about technology, period. How it affects the world and all the changes that happen due to technology.

Why Aspire?

I used to hear about Aspire at university, especially that it was a great company to grow and develop your career. Right after I graduated from university, a friend of mine that was working here recommended me to apply and I did. I have been here for 4 years and 5 months now.  

What does your typical day look like?

I try to wake up early, however, it takes me 30 mins to usually get up from bed. I start my day by checking social media and the weather (to start thinking about my outfit), after that I have a quick chat with my mom and get ready to go to the office. I check the tickets assigned to me and my emails when I arrive. This allows me to break out my day and what tasks are a priority. Mid-way through the morning, I have a coffee break with my friends, we also do the same thing during lunch break and we just eat and chat. After work, I spend time with my family and friends, sometimes I just go home and relax.

Diana and her colleagues during break time
What do you value the most about the company?

There is always a chance to learn and grow. Recently, during stand-up meetings, we share knowledge and this helps us to learn more and improve our performance, by applying what we learn.

What is your favorite movie/series?

The movie ‘The Secret’ really impacted my life. I started to read about the law of attraction, and I believe in this kind of thing. It’s a good thing to watch such movies every once in a while and remember what really is important. I am not really into series.

What do you like to do in your free time?

Over the weekend, if I am not at my grandma’s house in Irbid, I hang out with my friends or watch movies with my little sister. I also really love photography. I have a group and we work during Easter and Christmas along with planning other events over the year. I started this group in 2011, with my best friend, her boyfriend and his brother. We started as 4 people and now we are 12. Our busiest period is during Christmas, we have events at Churches, schools, family houses and hotels. We do a lot of things for charity and our main purpose is spreading joy for kids, adults and the Christmas spirit.

Diana and her Christmas Group “3ajga” at Roya TV
How do you deal with being in such a male-dominated industry?

Aspire cares about diversity within the workplace, in fact around 40% of our employees are females. Working in Aspire as a single lady is good, we don’t feel that there is something different, we have a lot of female team leads and managers.

What is something that will surprise your colleagues?

I like to sing, but my voice isn’t perfect (and no, if you see me in the corridors, I will not sing, so don’t ask).

If you were an animal, what would you be and why?

A giraffe, because of their long necks so that I can see what is ahead of me.

You have 10 seconds to impress someone. What do you tell them? 

I wouldn’t say anything, I would just smile, my smile is impressive enough.

What is one thing you want to do before it is too late?

I want to skydive! I love adrenaline. 

If a genie appeared and gave you three wishes, what would they be?

1 – World peace

2 – $5 million dollars

3 – A perfect singing voice

What superpower would you like to have?

The ability to ‘Control-Z’ in real life. To be able to undo things, mistakes I make.

If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

I can’t choose one specific thing, but if I had to choose a type of food, it would have to be Chinese food, I love ALL of the dishes. 

Most memorable moment at Aspire?

In 2016, I celebrated my birthday with Mr Kaushal as we were born on the same month, so that was a really special moment for me.

Diana with Riad Abu Mousa (Accounting Manager) and Kaushal Shah (Founder and Managing Director) celebrating their birthdays together
What’s your life philosophy?

Nothing in life worth having comes easy. 

Any tips for new graduates?

To always keep learning and looking for new technologies, especially to stay ahead of the game.